As an MSP, you probably have a laundry list of vendors for your customers’ tech stack. In our experience, we’ve seen MSPs have nearly and upwards of 40 vendors make up their clients’ tech stack. That’s not to mention all the other third parties that support your internal business operations, from finance to HR. Objectively, that’s a lot of vendors, and a lot of potential risk as a result.
So, what should an MSP do about it? One effective approach is to gain greater visibility into the security and compliance posture of your partners. These partners provide you with hardware sourced from their own supply chains, software that might be deployed across your endpoints, and access to their portals and UIs for tracking and monitoring. This access can expose your staff’s sensitive personal data to unnecessary risks in a third-party environment. While these actions are meant to serve your customers, how well do you truly know your vendors? How can you baseline and quantify this knowledge?
SOC Compliance is actually here to help with such baselining and vetting needs. Yes, though compliance doesn’t exactly have a reputation for enabling business operations, when leveraged effectively, it actually does just that.