Microsoft reported on March 2, 2021 that the state-sponsored group known as HAFNIUM has actively exploited four zero-day vulnerabilities to attack on-premises versions of their Exchange Server products. First detected as early as the start of this year by Washington D.C-based security firm, Volexity, the attack campaign is still undergoing investigation with more information being reported as events unfold.
The exploitation of these vulnerabilities has so far allowed the group to exfiltrate email communications, compromise client networks with malware, and perform actions to secure long-term access to their victims’ environments. Their exploits were uncovered when Volexity’s network security monitoring service detected irregular activity from two of their customers’ Microsoft Exchange Servers.
After kicking off multiple incident response efforts, including acquiring system memory and other disk artifacts, Volexity has confirmed that the vulnerabilities exist in Microsoft Exchange 2013, 2016, and 2019. Currently, the vulnerability does not appear to impact Office 365 nor Exchange Online. Microsoft is urging users with Exchange Server installations to apply patches to the following four critical vulnerabilities: