We all know companies need security. Threats and attacks proliferate by the day, and all organizations are in the crosshairs, large and small. Communicating that to clients, however, can sometimes prove challenging for MSPs, as many organizations don’t realize their risk. 

“Why would hackers care about me?” is a response MSPs often hear from clients. Many companies also often lack an understanding of their attack surface and the specific threats they’re exposed to. What’s more, when clients have security solutions in place and they don’t experience a large-scale attack, they may wrongly assume that the solution protecting them isn’t really needed. 

A Risk-Based Approach

To help clients and prospects understand the value of cybersecurity, it helps to frame your discussion in a way that’s tailored to the individual business. There’s no better way to do that than with a threat assessment of the business’s gaps and exposures that looks at their environment the way threat actors do. Once businesses understand the risks in their attack surface and the gaps that exist in their own environment, your conversation is no longer theoretical, it’s practical.  

Now you can propose tailored solutions that fit your client’s environment. Moving from insights to action is another way to put it. 

The value of a more risk-aware approach is also reflected in the market. The global attack surface management (ASM) market is expected to reach $13 billion by 2026, according to Zipdo, and 98% of respondents told a CyCognito survey that attack surface monitoring is a Top 10 security priority at their organization. 

A Sales and Retention Tool

Of course, to perform a threat assessment takes technical expertise, technology itself and cybersecurity know-how. That’s why Blackpoint has added Threat Assessment Summaries to our lineup of tools and solutions for MSPs. Now our partners can use our Threat Assessment Summary tool to run on their clients and prospects, and position themselves as the trusted advisor when they present the findings and make recommendations for improving the customer’s security posture. 

It’s a fabulous sales tool, but also an important one for client retention and relationships. Do you need insights to present in your quarterly business review or executive report? A Threat Assessment Summary is the perfect engagement tool, providing an ongoing touchpoint that gets clients more invested in their security and enables remediation of discovered risks and exposures. 

Comprehensive Insights

Blackpoint’s Threat Assessment Summary highlights the client’s overall security posture, from their on-premises environment to the cloud. It provides visibility into areas such as:

  • high-risk applications,
  • operating systems,
  • BitLocker status,
  • insights into privileged accounts and account types,
  • mapping to CIS Controls to determine the client’s status in relation to those benchmarks, and
  • for clients covered by Cloud Response, it:
    • details cloud exposures with a login map showcasing failed logins, and
    • highlights risks with cloud policies and cloud users.

What many businesses don’t realize is the vast majority of cyber-crime is financially motivated, and if a business can pay, they’re at risk for attack. And even if a business doesn’t suffer from a targeted campaign, the fact that large portions of attacks are automated means SMBs can still be victims of convenience.  

The problem is, even these messages don’t motivate clients to action, because they’re still theoretical. But by providing clients a window into their own environment, you can help them more clearly see the value of cybersecurity to their business. Get started helping your clients see clearly with a free Threat Assessment Summary sample report today. 

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