MSPs Confirm Blackpoint as #1 MDR Momentum Leader in G2 Results  

Blackpoint secured 16 badges total, including four #1 rankings in Cloud Detection & Response.

Blackpoint Cyber, the Active Cybersecurity leader, is celebrating a banner quarter, earning 16 G2 badges and being featured in 39 G2 reports for Spring 2024. This represents the most G2 badges Blackpoint has received in a quarter, underscoring the belief our Managed Service Provider (MSP) partners have in the effectiveness of our suite of solutions.

G2 badges are a direct reflection of customer satisfaction, as they are based on reviews left at G2 by users of products and services. Blackpoint received badges in three categories (MDR, Cloud Detection and Response, and Cloud Security) and achieved a total of six first-place finishes.

Momentum Leader in MDR

In the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) category, Blackpoint earned the first-place ranking in the Momentum Grid, being named a Momentum Leader once again. The recognition reflects exceptional customer satisfaction combined with strong market momentum. In addition, the company was named a Leader, Small Business Leader, Mid-Market High Performer, and received a Best Estimated ROI badge.

Blackpoint’s purpose-built MDR technology stops breaches by detecting attacks at the earliest sign of a threat, with expert analysts in the Blackpoint Active-SOC taking the burden of cybersecurity off the MSP. The Blackpoint SOC sees attacks as they’re happening and takes action to eliminate threats on the spot.

Top Accolades for Cloud Protection

Blackpoint received eight Cloud Detection & Response badges, four of them first-place finishes. Blackpoint ranked first in Implementation, Relationship, Results, and Usability. Other Cloud Detection & Response badges included Mid-Market, High Performer, and Momentum Leader.

In the Cloud Security category, the company also received three badges:

  • High Performer
  • High Performer, Mid-Market
  • High Performer, Small Business

These recognitions are a testament to Blackpoint’s focus on protecting the cloud, which has become a hotbed of malicious activity—the Blackpoint SOC sees ten cloud attacks for every on-premise incident. Blackpoint ensures MSPs and their clients can continue to do business safely in the cloud, with protection for Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and Azure SSO logins, with a response time of just seven minutes from detection to remediation.

Moving Upward

Blackpoint’s rankings across the 39 G2 reports showed consistent increases, boosting its placements in 21 reports compared to the previous quarter, without a single dropoff in standing.

“These badges are a true testament to the quality of our cybersecurity solutions and the value we deliver to our partners,” said Bob Gault, chief revenue officer at Blackpoint. “We’re honored by our partners’ positive feedback and will continue pushing the boundaries to keep MSPs and their clients safe.”

DATE PUBLISHEDApril 17, 2024
AUTHORBlackpoint Cyber

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