Shaun Sexton, Co-founder of Blue Alliance, an MSP Platform, says not many vendors are doing cybersecurity well but Blackpoint Cyber was able to stand up to their rigorous testing process. The combination of efficacy and rapid response sold Blue Alliance and the result? During the day, Blue Alliance gets to be a hero to their clients and at night, they sleep soundly knowing Blackpoint has their back.
Blue Alliance Chooses Rapid Response Around the Clock with Blackpoint Cyber
My name is Shaun Sexton and I’m the Co-founder of Blue Alliance. We’re an operator-led MSP investment platform. So we have multiple high functioning MSPs that we operate and our vision is we take these MSPs and they retain their culture and their brands, and then we want to take them and have them collaborate and work together to create very a powerful functioning collaboration between all of them.
How did you decide to partner with Blackpoint?
No one seems to be able to do cybersecurity very well and a 24/7 SOC is almost impossible to do in house by yourself. So we had started looking for reasons of compliance for our clients and truly protect them and to be honest, let our team sleep at night just to know that, you know, the middle of night they’re getting alerts and things to worry about this kind of stuff. So we started looking at and landed on Blackpoint Cyber at that point.
What sets Blackpoint Cyber apart?
So we looked at pretty much every vendor out there. I think Blackpoint stood out because of the live SOC and we probably tested a bunch of different vendors and put them through the ringer. The size we are, we kind of have to do those things and we landed on Blackpoint because of the response time was unbelievable. They really, truly are there and catch those things. We would test them and they would catch them and alert us and let them know that that’s happening. They really put their money where their mouth is.
What does Blackpoint do best?
I think the response time. We actually had a client get breached this morning. As I’m speaking, this is going on right now and Blackpoint caught it within minutes, shut it down, mitigated it and set off all the fire alarm drills to let everybody know that’s happening. And I still don’t have all the details about it, but they were on top of it. The client is super happy. So just knowing that that my team gets to sit back and just look like the rock stars because of that.
How would you describe the Blackpoint products?
I think I would describe the products as very team of people that are watching your clients network for you 24/7 and you can go to bed happy and sleep at night.
DATE PUBLISHEDAugust 20, 2024
AUTHORBlackpoint Cyber
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