In February 2024, the cybersecurity community was jolted by a significant incident involving AnyDesk, a popular remote desktop application. On this occasion, threat actors exploited the RMM tool to infiltrate businesses, leveraging its legitimate functionalities to execute their attack chain. This incident underscored the on-going critical shift in cybercriminal strategies towards “Living off the Land” (LotL) tactics, where attackers use legitimate tools and software to carry out malicious activities. Luckily, this is where Blackpoint specializes. Blackpoint Cyber’s Managed Application Control provides a curated list of I.T. tools that are often used maliciously and should not be deployed in a business’ environment.

Blackpoint Cyber’s Response: Managed Application Control

Recognizing the intensifying threat landscape, Blackpoint Cyber integrated Managed Application Control (MAC) into its comprehensive security suite, Blackpoint Response, in 2023. This product empowers users with robust control over the usage of applications within their environment, significantly reducing the risk of unwanted or malicious software exploitation. One of the first lines of defense.

Blackpoint’s Security Operations Center (SOC) continuously curates and updates a list of tools and applications being used by threat actors to compromise environments. Drawing from extensive analysis of hacker tactics, the SOC is rolling out new recommended rules within its curated block list. These rules introduce three critical categories guaranteed to strengthen your security posture:

1. Privilege Escalation

This category includes applications, scripts, and software that can be exploited by threat actors to gain higher-level permissions on a victim’s machine or network. By blocking these tools, organizations can prevent attackers from escalating their privileges and executing more damaging attacks.

2. Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs)

While not always directly malicious, PUAs pose a significant risk when abused by threat actors. For instance, the Tor Browser can be used to contact threat actors or potentially engage in other activities with anonymity. Blocking PUAs mitigates this risk, ensuring that only authorized and safe applications are used within the network.

3. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

VPNs may provide a threat actor with access to the network, or expose company data. Unregulated VPN access poses a significant risk to both cloud and on-premises security. By controlling VPN usage, organizations can prevent attackers from using these tools to steal data or setup persistence in the network.

Strengthening Your Cybersecurity Posture

Managed Application Control, in collaboration with Blackpoint’s MDR, acts as the deadbolt on your cybersecurity infrastructure. While MAC proactively blocks unauthorized applications, Blackpoint’s MDR stands ready to respond swiftly if an incident occurs, ensuring your defenses are always one step ahead.

In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, having a proactive and responsive cybersecurity strategy is crucial. Blackpoint Cyber’s Managed Application Control and MDR provide a comprehensive solution, combining robust application blocking with expert incident response. Experience the benefits of proactive application control and real-time threat response with Blackpoint Cyber today.

Stay secure, stay vigilant, and let Blackpoint Cyber be your trusted partner in the unfair fight against cybercrime.

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